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SuperCup rules 2016

Masters skills competition is designed for teams consisting of minimum nine members, where always three different members represent the team in one of the first three MASTER disciplines – throw, hit and run. The fourth discipline is the infield teamwork, where six members of the team take part. Any member of the team, including those who competed in the first three disciplines, can compete.

The MASTERS winner is a team that scores the most points from all four disciplines. If tied, the team that scored more points in the infield teamwork (second parameter is hit, third run) becomes the winner (the same scheme applies for positions behind the winner.


The purpose of this discipline is to test the length of the throw. The throw is done from a territory behind the home plate, where two parallel lines 3 meters apart are marked. The front line goes through the top of the home plate in parallel with the connecting line between 1st and 3rd bases, back line is in the foul territory. A short run-up is allowed, nevertheless the throwing player is not allowed to leave the territory between the lines (foot fault) during or immediately after the throw (lines are considered to be part of the territory). The ball is thrown from behind the home plate over the second base. The measured parameter is a distance from the home plate to the first contact of the ball with the ground. The ball has to land within the sector defined by the home plate as the top and an axis home plate to the second base and an angle of 60°. A ball that lands outside of this sector is considered as a throw of zero meters distance. Each participant has three throws, only the longest fair throw counts. The distance is measured with an accuracy of 0,1m.

The final score of the team is calculated as follows:

POINTS = 8 x T, where T is a summary of the lengths of the longest throws of all participants, in meters. The total points are round to whole numbers.


This discipline tests an ability to hit from the “Tee” for a distance. The ball is hit from the home plate over the second base. The measured parameter is a distance from the home plate to the first contact of the ball with the ground. The ball has to land in the sector defined by the home plate as the top and an axis home plate to the second base and an angle of 60°. A ball that lands outside of this sector, swing and a miss, or any swing when the “Tee” falls down is considered as a hit of zero meters distance. Each participant has three swings, only the longest fair hit counts. The distance is measured with an accuracy of 0,1m.

The final score of the team is calculated as follows:

POINTS = 8 x H,

Where H is a summary of the lengths of the longest hits of all participants, in meters. The total points are round to whole numbers.


The purpose is to test the running speed – homerun, on the kid´s field (bases distance is 60 feet - 18.29m). Each runner has just one try. The start is called by the umpire. Sliding to any of the bases including the home plate is prohibited. In case the runner misses a base or slides to any of the bases, a penalty of 5 seconds will be applied for each of such a rules breach. The measurement is done by hand with an accuracy of 0,1s.

The final result of the team is calculated as follows:

POINTS = 2400 – (40 x R), where R is a summary of times of all runners in seconds. The total points are round to whole numbers. In case the total summary of the times is higher than 60s, the team will be awarded with 0 points.


Infield Teamwork

Each team is represented by six infielders including the catcher, who must be equipped with according to the rules (he is not obliged to wear a catcher´s mask and/or helmet). The measured parameter is a time in seconds, the ball has to be thrown around the infield bases two times. All infielders take their standard positions prior to the pitch. As soon as a sign is made by the umpire, the pitcher pitches the ball to the catcher and the time start as soon as the pitched ball hits the catcher´s mitt. The catcher does not have to step on the plate before his throw to the third baseman but has to be in his territory during the pitch. The catcher throws to the third baseman, who has to tag the third base (step on it). Then he throws to the second baseman, who tags the second base, flips the ball to the shortstop, who then throws the ball to the first baseman (the shortstop does not have to tag the base, but while receiving the flip he has to be positioned behind the line second base - third base). After tagging the first base the first baseman throws the ball to the catcher. The catcher, after tagging the home plate, throws the ball back to the first baseman, who again has to tag the first base. Then he throws the ball to the shortstop to the second base. After tagging the second base the shortstop flips the ball to the second baseman, who then throws the ball to the third baseman. (the second baseman does not have to tag the base, but while receiving the flip he has to be positioned behind the line second base - first base. The third baseman, after tagging the third base, throws the ball to the catcher. The time stops as soon as the catcher tags the home plate having the ball under control.

By tagging a base is understood any contact of the player with a base, once the player has the ball safely in the glove or in the throwing hand.

In case that a player does not tag the base, a penalty of 5 seconds is applied for every such a breach.

The pitcher has for disposal one reserve ball and in case of an overthrow he is allowed to throw the ball to the infielder, who was supposed to catch the overthrown ball. The base still has to be tagged. Each team has three tries and the best time counts. The individual infielders can be replaced for every try. Each team will have a limit of 1 minute for a practice in the diamond. The measurement is done by hand with an accuracy of 0,1s.

The final result is calculated as follows:

POINTS = 3000 – (50 x S),

where S is the best achieved time of the team in seconds. The total points are round to whole numbers. In case that the best team time is higher that 60 seconds, the team is then awarded with 0 points.                                                                                                                                                   

Organization Issues on SuperCup

The teams are obliged to hand over the nominations for the first three disciplines, not later than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time, to the manager of Masters on field S5. The order of the disciplines is as follows: pitch, hit, run and the infield teamwork. The team has to go through all disciplines immediately one after one without any purposeless delays. Each individual player has to make his three attempts in disciplines THROW and HIT consecutively.


The teams are asked to get ready for the MASTERS at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time. As soon as all four disciplines are finished, the team manager checks all recorded results and confirms them by its signature. No claims will be acknowledged later on.

  • SuperCup 2017

    Tournament information here.
    Date: June 2th – 4th, 2017
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