FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions - SuperCup 2016

admin, 10. 3. 2015, èteno 1855x
Kategorie: info

Where can I find Tournament Regulations and Coach-Pitch rules?

  • Both are available on the WEB: supercup.baseball.cz

What are the changes in MASTERS? And why?

  • A discipline “Pitch at a target” was replaced by a “Throw for a distance”. It is a long term goal to establish long term records of the best results and a throw for a distance complies better with it. Also, considering substantial impact of the Masters on the SuperCup results, this discipline provides more fair evaluation and avoids accidental results. For detailed rules go to: http://supercup.baseball.cz/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=41

How is defined a SuperCup winner?

  • SuperCup consists of two parallel competitions. We will have a winner of the Coach-pitch tournament and also a winner of the Masters skills competition. The team having the lowest sum of the positions from both Coach-pitch and Masters will be the winner of the SuperCup. In case two teams finish with equal sum, than the better team from Coach-pitch tournament will be the winner of the SuperCup.

What are the changes in the tournament system?

  • For year 2016 the tournament system remains the same as in 2015.

  • After the Basic rounds always two first teams from each round qualify to the Final round. Here starts the “double elimination” system, i.e. even with one loss in the Final round the team still can win the tournament (except the Final game). Thus a “bad luck” of a drawing is eliminated.

  • Teams not qualifying to the final round will compete for “small Cups”, forming groups of four, depending on their standings in the Basic round.

How old kids are allowed to participate?

  • In the Tournament regulations is stated:

Age Requirements

Category 10U. Participating players must be born on or after January 1st 2006 and on or before December 31st 2010.

Both boys and girls are allowed to take part in the tournament.

I want to help with the tournament organization, who should I contact?

  • You can apply directly to Bohumil Bílek, Tournament Sports Director.

    Contact: bilek@ibd2014.cz         mobile +420 602 486 565


I would like to be an umpire on the tournament. What should I do for it?

  • You are welcome.  Apply well in advance to the Umpires Director Mr. František PÅ™ibyl.

    Contact: pribyl@ibd2014.cz        mobile: +420 603 212 928 +420

  • SuperCup 2017

    Tournament information here.
    Date: June 2th – 4th, 2017
  • Watch closely all information on our Web and Facebook

    All information will be continually presented on our official WEB site and Facebook.